Instead of the widely used Black Friday, PouchDirect has chosen to participate in Green Friday. We are happy to share that we will be planting a whopping total of 360 trees!

During Green Friday, we chose to plant trees with every order. As a result, our customers have ensured that 180 trees can be planted. As PouchDirect, we doubled this contribution by adding another 180 trees!

But why are we actually planting trees?

The trees will be planted in the Green Friday forest 'Het Twiske' near Amsterdam. This means that with those trees we offset the CO2 emissions from the production of over 3 million bags  

Why are trees so important?

1. Climate change: Trees play a crucial role in reducing CO2 in the atmosphere, helping to combat global warming.
2. Cleaner air: They act as natural air filters by removing pollutants, improving air quality and reducing health risks.
3. Biodiversity: Trees are an essential part of ecosystems and provide a home for various plant and animal species, thus preserving biodiversity.

What have we achieved through this action?

Planting these 360 trees yields fascinating results:

• Each tree offsets about 35 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere, which means that together with our customers, we will reduce 12,600 kg of CO2!
• This is equivalent to offsetting more than 8,750 star bags for every 35 kg of CO2. With the trees we plant, we will offset the CO2 emissions from the production of more than 3 million stand-up pouches.  

Our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed! Follow the Green Friday forest 'Het Twiske' to see what we are realising in collaboration with Trees for All. Go to our dedicated Green Friday page here!